Sand Art Shaker 180g - Light Pink

Light Pink Sand Art Shaker - 180g
Perfect for Sand Art Pictures and Arts and Crafts!
Good Practice Award
Let Toys be Toys is a consumer group that raises customers and retailers focus to ensure that toys and play choices aren't made on the basis of gender. It's not about gender neutrality - it's about gender free choices. If a boy wants to play with dolls and a pram - fab, if a girl wants to play with a builder set - ace. Play shouldn't be restricted by gender.
Let do Sand Art!

Get Started
Simply slide your sand art stick under the yellow sections to reveal the sticky side underneath.

Fill with Sand
Use your sand pen to colour and sprinkle the sand gently over the peeled section.

Tap the Excess
Tap the excess off and keep going until you’ve finished your fantastic picture.

Finish & Admire
Take a moment to admire your work, why not frame it?
The most engaging activity you'll ever give them.
Kids are happiest when they're playing, but it's hard to find activities that keep them entertained for more than a few minutes.
We created Kids Bee Happy as a fun activity for children. It's perfect for entertaining children and getting them back into crafts.
Our sand art kit comes with everything you need to create beautiful pictures in just minutes. Just pour the coloured sand into each section of your picture, shake off the excess and only your fabulous creation remains!
You can then frame your masterpiece and hang it on the wall as a reminder of how much fun you had creating it.